New York Philharmonic Concerts in the Parks.
뉴욕 필하모닉 한여름밤 콘서트
뉴욕 필하모닉 한여름밤 콘서트
7/10 @ 8pm: 브룩클린 프로스펙트 파크, Prospect Park in Brooklyn
Enter at GrandArmy Plaza, Prospect Park West at 9th Street or Bartel-Pritchard Circle at the
intersection of Prospect Park West, Prospect Park Southwest and 15th Street
7/11 @ 8pm: 퀸즈 커닝햄 파크, Cunningham Park in Queens
Enter at 193rdStreet, near 81st Avenue or Union Turnpike. Concert site is at 193rd StreetField
7/13, 7/15일 @ 8pm:맨해튼 센트럴 파크, Central Park inManhattan
Westsideentrances: West 81st or 86th Streets at Central Park West
Eastside entrances: East 79th or 85th Streets atFifth Avenue
7/14 @ 3pm: 스태튼 아일랜드 대학, College of Staten Island
7/16 @ 8pm: 브롱스 코트랜드 파크, Van Cortlandt Park in Bronx
Enter the parkfrom Broadway, near West 251st Street. Concert site is north of the baseballfields
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